The pilot film for the long-run series introduced the kindly small-town general practitioner who, following a mild coronary, grudgingly brings in an independent, motorcycling young associate to help share his workload. Welby's lady friend and his family, part of the plot of this movie, were written out of the subsequent series, with only his medical sidekick, Steven Kiley, and their secretary/nurse, Consuelo, remaining as regulars.
Release Date: 1969-03-26
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Marcus Welby
Steven Kiley
Myra Sherwood
Tina Sawyer
Dr. Andrew Swanson
Tiny Baker
Lew Sawyer
Sandy Welby
Ray Wells
Consuelo Guadalupe-Lopez
Kenji Yamashita