In the 7th installment of the legendary saga, Passolini serves up a strange tale of alien invaders, mystic swamis, giant eyeballs, and drive-in-movies - all with the characteristic flair and relentless sexual bravado that porn fans have come to know and love. In the 7 stiffening scenes that explore every orifice known to man and alien no erotic stone goes unturned as the viewer is taken on a strange and twisted journey through the nether regions of the human psyche-and the raw depths of our most carnal desires.
Release Date: 2003-05-01
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Curious Jill
The Rookie
Black Mariah
Harley Sanders
Jordan Almond
Balsa Wood (as Honey)
Douglas Fir
Lon Chain-me
Lloyd Llama
Phil Farenheit
Barney Fuhrman
Chuck Roast
Gregory Pecker
Swami Salami