Origin: Beyond the Impact is a science-fiction drama centered around a meteoric object that hits planet Earth in 1960 and the dark mysteries carried with it. Fifty years after the impact, tech powerhouse Crowe Corporation is determined to lead the world’s fourth industrial revolution by secretly attempting to unlock those mysteries until their leading scientist, Dr. Bernard Schmidt, goes missing. An investigation is launched into the disappearance led by special agent William Shepard of the FBI, reluctantly paired with a cynical Russian operative, Aleksey Popov. The investigation takes a critical turn when Schmidt’s connection to an Air Force test pilot leads the investigators to a young woman whose past uncovers a possible government conspiracy. The investigators then become locked in a race against time to protect a secret hidden in plain sight.
Release Date: Unknown
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
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Katie Cassidy
Will Shepard
Aleksey Popov
Val Schirra
Marcus Hurley
Eva Silverman
Sean Kelly
Kim Cassidy
Danielle Conrad
Erin Baxter
Sam Alexander
Sheldon Boyd
Octavia Voss
Harriet Vogal Burke
Bennett Burke
Ruthie Gordan
Esther Silverman
Amy Riddle
Sunnie Borman
Max Komarov
Lynn Hayes
Jean-Pierre Mercier
Zara Devaux
Darren Faulk
Mason Shaw
Trent Adams
Jeremy Douglas
Brian Carter
Tasha Kenney
Rebecca Carter
Stephanie Slayton
Doris Rhoades
Rick Tyson
Eric Barratt
Paul Bowen
Maddison Kyle
Ben Cassidy
Miriam Cassidy
Cassidy Child 1
Cassidy Child 2
Dr. Peter Cole
Dale Summers
James Thompson
Remi Felix
Tim Schaffer
Elena Williams
Ori Poulsen
Dr. Bernard Schmidt
Sgt Woodley