On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal and restore order to his world, before the grotesque race of Skeksis find and use the crystal for evil.
Release Date: 1982-12-17
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
Jen / High Priest, Ritual Master
Kira, a Gelfling
Aughra, a Keeper of Secrets / Chamberlain
Fizzgig, a Friendly Monster / General, Garthim Master
Scientist (voice)
Ornamentalist / Urzah / Dying Master
Jen (voice)
Kira (voice)
Aughra (voice)
Fizzgig (voice)
Chamberlain / Podling (voice)
Additional Performer
Additional Performer
Additional Performer
Historian, Scroll Keeper
General (voice)
Historian (voice)
Slave Master (voice)
Treasurer (voice)
Urzah (voice)
Podling (voice)
Podling (voice)
Podling (voice)
Narrator / Urskeks (voice)
Gourmand (voice)
High Priestess / Dying Emperor (voice)