The show opens in the "world of the dead", where Luigi Lucheni is being interrogated by a Judge as to why he has murdered the Empress Elisabeth. Lucheni claims that he did no more than what Elisabeth herself wanted, since all her life Elisabeth has been in love with Death himself – and vice versa. As his witnesses, Lucheni brings back the dead aristocracy of the bygone era and takes us to the past, where he serves as a sarcastic narrator of the events that lead to the transformation of the sweet and innocent Sisi to the revered and infamous Elisabeth, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, and her decline through later years until her assassination.
Release Date: 1992-09-03
Original Language: de
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Elisabeth (Sisi)
Der Tod
Luigi Lucheni
Kaiser Franz Joseph I.
Erzhherzogin Sophie
Kronprinz Rudolf