Sakay is a 1993 Filipino historical drama film directed by Raymond Red. The film stars Julio Diaz, Tetchie Agbayani, and Leopoldo Salcedo. The film covers the life of Filipino patriot and hero Macario Sakay, who was declared an outlaw and a criminal for continuing hostilities against the United States after the "official" end of the Philippine Insurrection.
Release Date: 1993-12-25
Original Language: tl
Genres: Unknown Genre
Macario Sakay
Sakay's Father
Col. Lucio de Vega
Gen. Cornelio Felizardo
Gen. Francisco Carreon
Dr. Dominador Gomez
Lt. Juan Dominguez
Capt. Bandholtz
Gen. Leon Villafuerte
Gen. Julian Montalan
Antonio Montenegro
Woman Official
Don Pepe Ordoñez
Lt. Cruz
Elena's Friend
Gen. Aniceto Oruga
Tata Pedro
Sakay's Mother
Atty. Felipe Buencamino
Atty. Ramon Diokno
Gen. Carreon's Wife
Lt. Grove
Governor General
Don Ramon
The Informer
Party Guest
Party Guest
Party Guest
Party Guest
Party Guest
Sakay's Henchman