In this offbeat coming-of-age tale, a charming, rebellious high school dropout named Kanta befriends the kind, provincial Shoji. The two bring out the best in each other, each gaining confidence from their friendship - especially regarding pursuit of the opposite sex. The working class Kanta becomes a sort of unruly anti-hero, maintaining his pride, defiance, and self-assurance even as his prospects seem increasingly grim.
Release Date: 2012-07-14
Original Language: ja
Genres: Unknown Genre
Kanta Kitamachi
Shoji Kusakabe
Yasuko Sakurai
Iwao Takahashi
Secondhand Bookstore Manager
Host of Squid Tempu Program
Male Worker
Kenji Maeno
Man Soliciting Business
Minako Uzawa
Moderator of Squid Tempu Program
Daily Laborer
Turning Woman