The story revolves around three members of a police surveillance squad conducting an investigation into a financial investment group involved in criminal fraud. The focus of the plot, however, is actually on the three officers themselves who stumble upon an opportunity to capitalize on information they gathered during their surveillance.
Release Date: 2009-07-23
Original Language: cn
Genres: Unknown Genre
Johnny Leung
Gene Yeung
Max Lam
Mandy Yam
Kelvin Lee
Willie Ma
Frankie Wong
Ringo Low
Elisha Lam
David (Father-in-Law)
Vice-Chairman, Securities & Futures Commission
Kenny Fai
Raymend Tsui
Stock Broker
Investigator, Commercial Crime Bureau
Investigator, Commercial Crime Bureau
Investigator, Commercial Crime Bureau
Investigator, Intelligence Bureau
Investigator, Intelligence Bureau
Investigator, Commercial Crime Bureau
Investigator, Commercial Crime Bureau
Gene's wife
Yeung Ka Yee (Gene's 2nd daughter)
Yeung Ka Shing (Gene's son)
Yeung Ka Yan (Gene's eldest daughter)
Yeung Ka Man (Gene's youngest daughter)
Elderly Stock Buyer
Stock Buyer
Stock Buyer
Stock Buyer
Stock Buyer
Stock Buyer
Officer, Securities & Futures Commission
Officer, Securities & Futures Commission
Bodyguard of Willie Ma
Po King Wan
Doctor, Emergency Ward
Doctor, Emergency Ward
Nurse, Emergency Ward
Nurse, Emergency Ward
Nurse, Emergency Ward
Nurse, Emergency Ward
Junior of Weber
Junior of Weber
Bodyguard of Willie Ma
Bodyguard of Willie Ma
Investigator, Commercial Crime Bureau
ICAC Officer
ICAC Officer