In the wake of Hurricane Camille, the infamous '60's storm that crippled the Gulf Coast, a mysterious teenage girl washes up to shore, and the secrets of Mississippi's Sister Island crawl to the surface. Dorrie (Kathleen York), a young doctor living with her mother (Karen Black), assumes custody of the unknown girl (Erin Buchanan) and names her Camille. Terrified and unable to speak, Camille spends her days hiding underneath the dining room table. But when Dorrie unearths a series of curious circumstances surrounding Camille's past, a shocking mystery comes unraveled.
Release Date: 1996-05-01
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Dorrie Walsh
Rose Walsh
Dr. August Claiborne
Esther Lynch
Sheriff Frank Bosarge
Royce Earl Petrie
Pearl Lizana
Eunice Shelby
Dr. Richard Grable