Poster of 3 Nafas Likas

3 Nafas Likas

The story of a woman named Likas who gets special accomplishments and successes, as she holds fast to pledge to the three most important people in her life: her father Ngantari, her brother Njohre, and her husband Djamin. In Karo, North Sumatra, there is a custom: when a woman has to work, then the disgrace belongs to the family. However, Likas still wants to move forward. Therefore she opposes the custom. She attends school because she wants to be a teacher. She looses her mother because of stress. With the help of her brother, she could become a teacher.

Release Date: 2014-10-16

Original Language: id

Genres: Unknown Genre




Cast Members

Atiqah Hasiholan

Likas Tarigan

Vino G. Bastian

Jamin Gintings

Arswendy Bening Swara

Ngantari Tarigan

Jajang C. Noer

Tembun Tarigan

Tutie Kirana

Likas Tua

Ernest Samudera

Njore Tarigan

Tissa Biani

Likas Kecil

Anneke Jodi

Uni Mahyar

Mario Irwinsyah

Mulia Tarigan Dewasa

Rina Hasyim

Bibi Tua

Khiva Rayanka

Bapak Guru

Olga Lydia

Nyonya Oey



Iffatyoshi Fani

Nijile Kecil

Nadila Rizka

Nijile Remaja


Mulia Kecil

Fauzan Azmi

Mulia Remaja

Andul Aziz

Ayah Naga

Tiarma Ginting

Nenek Likas

Hadi Alimudin

Pengemudi Bus

Dimas Shimada

Tentara Jepang

Eko Nugroho

Ketua Perkumpulan

Akbar Fahrizal

Pemuda Protes 01

Rahma Buherly

Pemuda Protes 02

Rifki Arnold

Pemuda Protes 03

Rita Monica

Istri Ke 2 Ngantari

Jhoni Erzin

Tetua Keluarga

Yondik Tanto

Ayah Jamin Gintings

Jamal DJ

Rekan Jamin 01


Rekan Jamin 02

Agung Saputra

Rekan Jamin 03

Kelli Alicia Swazey

Istri Dokter Amir (Belanda)

Daniel Irawan

Dokter Amir

Annissa Beby

Ibu Muda Pengungsian


Ibunda Jamin Gintings


Ibu Menangis (Bayi Mati)

Imam Wibowo

Presiden Soekarno

Sapto Soetardjo

Supir Pick Up

Sastrayani Sembiring

Lelaki Warung Kopi

Kenny Fasya

Enderia Kecil

Aulya Aziz

Enderia Remaja

Ade Erni

Riemenda Remaja

Kastria Hutagaol

Riemenda Dewasa

Alex Iskandar

Tentara Perawat

Tiurmaida Manalu

Ibu Di Ottawa

Guntoro Sulung

Mensesneg Soedarmono