Set in 1901, this period epic follows Willem Morkel, a Boer family man whose wife and son are murdered during the Anglo-Boer War. Captured as a prisoner of war, Willem must survive incarceration in the notorious St. Helena concentration camp and defeat the ruthless Colonel Swannell, at his own game—Rugby
Release Date: 2016-04-01
Original Language: af
Genres: Unknown Genre
Katherine Sterndale
Willem Morkel
Colonel Swannell
Finn Kelly
Isak Naude
Kommandant Scheepers
Phil Blignaut
Daniel 'Yster' Malherbe
Gawie Mentz
Private Morgan
Marius Prinsloo
Eddie Mijnhardt
Lt. Butler
Giepie 'Rot' Nel
Johnny Pienaar
Sgt. Skirving
JJ 'Ratel' Wessels
Corporal Evans
Wynand Cronjé