Set in 1962 MANDELA’S GUN is a political thriller, based on Mandelas African Odyssey. As Commander-in-Chief of the Liberation Army Umkhonto we Sizwe (the MK) he undergoes military training in Algeria and Ethiopia while surviving assassination attempts and betrayal. In South Africa he is finally arrested with the connivance of the CIA In the crucible of the surging African Liberation Movements of the early 60s not only does he study the art of war but also leadership and political survival. MANDELA’S GUN is a thrilling biopic, supported by eyewitness accounts from Mandelas advisors and comrades.
Release Date: 2016-10-28
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
Nelson Mandela
Winnie Mandela
Cherif Belkacem
Cecil Williams
Walter Sisulu
Arthur Goldreich
Bob Hepple
Govan Mbeki
Leonard Bernstein
Captain Guts
MI6 Agent
BOAC Representative
Fish Keitseng
Joe Modise
Mr. Grant
Dan Tloome