Set in 2019, The Beyond chronicles the groundbreaking mission which sent astronauts - modified with advanced robotics, through a newly discovered wormhole known as the Void. When the mission returns unexpectedly, the space agency races to discover what the astronauts encountered on their first of its kind interstellar space journey.
Release Date: 2018-01-09
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
Jessica 2.0 (voice)
David Johnson
Jessica Johnson
US Mission Controller (voice)
News Anchor
Dr. Sebastian Lee
Alex Grant
Carl Roberts
Jim Marcell (voice)
Alice Lamont
Lee Cooksley
Space Station Astronaut (voice)
Candidate 2
US News Anchor (voice)
Mary Laroux
Dr. Kuresh
Charles Higgins
Jim Marcell
Mickey Locross
ISS Computer System
Candidate 3
Candidate 1
Soldier 2.0
Video Blog Citizen 1
Candidate - AJ
Candidate - Russian Virologist
Vlog Citizen
Malaysia Cilvilan
Candidate - Russian Virologist
Mission control extra
Vlog Citizen
Malaysia Cilvilan
Candidate - Geologist
Malaysia Cilvilan
Vlog Citizen