Yukiko Nogami is rescued during a mountain blizzard by handsome forester Shinkichi, and the two subsequently fall in love. But when Shinkichi dies in an avalanche, Yukiko leaves the mountains in despair and takes a job in a bar where she becomes deeply involved in the personal lives of several of the patrons. One day she thinks she sees Shinkichi alive, but it turns out to be a gangster named Hayakawa, a man on the run who bears an astonishing resemblance to Yukiko's lost love. Against her better judgment, she is drawn to help Hayakawa, though clearly danger follows him.
Release Date: 1953-03-11
Original Language: ja
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Yukiko Nogami
Shinkichi / Hayakawa
Watanabe (Nabesan)
Yamaoka (Sandaime)
Yoshikawa (Sampei)
Uchimura (Saboten)
Numaguchi (Kurochan)
Madame Natsuko