In a comedic form, a love story is shared between the widowed engineer Hilmi Abdelkader (Rushdi Abaza), who works in the field of oil and has eight children from his late wife, the young widow Samia Ahmed and the mother of six children. After a long time they hide, get married and begin to put in place a system of life at home to make things go smoothly.
Release Date: 1976-09-24
Original Language: ar
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Helmi Abdulqader حلمي
Samia سامية
Mamdouh ممدوح
Nadia نادية
Dr. Samir د. سمير - طبيب الأطفال
Souad سعاد
Zeinhom زينهم
Fawzy فوزي
Ghada غادة
Salwa الطفلة (سلوى)
Osama أسامة
أم إبراهيم
بائع القماش