The story takes place during the colonization of the Laurentian region in Quebec towards the end of the 19th century (approx. 1885-90), near Sainte-Adèle. An unscrupulous man, Séraphin Poudrier, dominates the small community using his wealth. Mayor of the village, he will marry Donalda Laloge, after her father, unable to repay his debt, gives her to him in marriage. Donalda, a gentle and submissive woman who was promised to the handsome Alexis Labranche, rather, he will live his life according to the wishes of this petty and contemptuous miser, but will never let his situation get him down.
Release Date: 2002-11-29
Original Language: fr
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Séraphin Poudrier
Donalda Laloge
Alexis Labranche
Père Laloge
Bidou Laloge
Jambe de Bois
Notaire Le Potiron
Olympe Le Potiron
Mme Malterre
Père Ovide
Curé Raudin
Delphine Lacoste
Délima Greenwood
Docteur Cyprien
Hector Brochu
Nicolas Fournier
Joe Lachaîne
Louis Lemont
Marie-Ange Laloge
Luc Destreilles
Julie Deschênes
Jules Pomerleau
Prêtre aux funérailles
Richard Bossé
Jeune Séraphin - 11 ans
Mère de Séraphin
Monsieur Prout-Prout
Enfant Brochu #1
Enfant Brochu #2
Bébé Brochu
Bastien Brochu
Enfant de choeur
Bucheron #1
Bucheron #2
Marie-Louise Brochu
Paysanne Corpulente
Matthieu Fournier
Ami d'Alexis