A sequel to the 1990 cult hit 'Johnny in Monsterland'. This story follows Johnny Talbot's (Jonathan Morrill) search for love and sanity, in a town that provides little of either, Provincetown, Massachusetts. All the while, Johnny is haunted by a rogues gallery of madmen and monsters, including a country lunatic named Bela Stoker, Nosferatu, a Hunchback, and a merman, and a laboratory assistant (all portrayed by David Bishop).
Release Date: 1992-06-12
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
Bride of Nosferatu #2
MoJo Owner
Nosferatu / Ygor / Bela Stoker / Squint
Hippy House Girl
The 'Wizard'
Dune Tour Driver
Dr. Jessup Jaggermeister
Joke Shop Owner
Wedding Guest
Wedding Guest
Una the Pinhead
Lo Ping
Schlitzy The Pinhead
Buddy Fellows
Alfred Hitchcock
Bride Of Nosferatu #1
Jagermeister Monster
Ganja Goddess
Ratsy The Pinhead
Carl, The Hotel Clerk
Roller Coaster Werewolf
Black Gargoyle
Johnny Talbot
Dr. Cyclops
Dr. Benson / Mr. Hedges
Father Phil
Town Crier
Joke Shop Lady
Mojo Girl
MoJo Kid
Wedding Guest
Wedding Guest
Salon Client with Eyeball
Fresca Sybil Lanchester
Jolene Jaggermeister