The events revolve around the two friends Salem and Suleiman, who work in the same government interest, and travel on a trip to Alexandria, where they meet the two journalists, Dina and Amina, to fall in love with them, and discover the presence of a thief with them on the trip, so will they be able to detect him?
Release Date: 1966-01-26
Original Language: ar
Genres: Unknown Genre
No trailer available for this movie.
(حسين الموظف)
(سالم زميل حسين)
(دنيا الصحفية)
(شريفة النصابة)
(كمال النصاب)
(ضيف شرف)
(مبروك المخبر)
(المخبر هريدي)
(عمة دنيا)
(فرج عامل الفندق)