In the small New England town of Galen, a young teenage boy claims he has dreams of young women being brutally raped and murdered. A doctor and the local sheriff discover that the boy's dreams are real and that a sinister cult might be behind the brutal murders. They must track down the vicious killer, who may be the indestructible incarnation of a demon spawned from hell.
Release Date: 1982-02-24
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
Dr. Sam Cordell
Hank Walden
Agatha Galen
Laura Kincaid
Jenny Cordell
Tim Galen
Joe Prescott
Lt. Drivas
Mandy Pullman
Roy Seeley
Pru Keaton
Charlie Prescott
Mrs. Pullman
Ernie Barnes
Deena Ferrin
Carolyn Davies
Sally Harper
Jane Barnes
Marge (uncredited)
Samson Lead Singer (uncredited)