In 2012, after the events of Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, the early adulthood DigiDestined—Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, Takeru Takashi, Hikari, and Ken—must reconcile their new responsibilities with their Digimon partners. But Rui Owada, a mysterious young man, appears, claiming to be the first human to partner with a Digimon–Ukkomon. Could Rui really have been the first-ever DigiDestined?
Release Date: 2023-04-01
Original Language: ja
Genres: Unknown Genre
Daisuke Motomiya (voice)
V-mon (voice)
Ken Ichijouji (voice)
Wormmon (voice)
Miyako Inoue (voice)
Hawkmon (voice)
Iori Hida (voice)
Armadimon (voice)
Takeru Takaishi (voice)
Patamon (voice)
Hikari Yagami (voice)
Tailmon (voice)
Lui Ohwada (voice)
Ukkomon (voice)