In a small town in California, the quiet citizens find their lives disrupted by boisterous, lawless oil-field workers who have infested their community. One resident, Ben Arnold, enlists his brother Aaron, a Vietnam veteran, to assemble a group of men to restore law and order to the town. Though Aaron's crew succeeds, the newfound power goes to some of their heads, and Aaron and Ben must again reclaim the town for the citizens.
Release Date: 1976-09-09
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
Aaron Arnold
Ben Arnold
Linda Christopher
Little Dee
Mayor Bradford
Harry Lee
Homer Arno
Freddie Howe
Paul Sinton
D.O. Viner
Michael J. Loonius
Shakey Malone
Boots Linden
Tom Cousy
Lu Murietta
Perry Beal
Molly Arnold
Brian Seldon
Dave Laughlin
Sally Hart
Peaches (uncredited)
Pianist (uncredited)
Boy in Tree (uncredited)
Cockfight Handler (uncredited)
Man at Cockfight (uncredited)
Cowboy (uncredited)
Kidnapping Victim (uncredited)