In 1983 Owl, North Dakota, the lives of three residents – elderly Horace, who spends his afternoons reminiscing in the local coffee shop; teenage Mitch, depressed backup quarterback star player-power-horse; and newly appointed high school English teacher Julia – along with those of the town's other residents, are upended by a historic whiteout blizzard.
Release Date: 2023-06-08
Original Language: en
Genres: Unknown Genre
Julia Rabia
Horace Jones
Mitch Hrlicka
Eli Zebra
Rebecca Grooba
Coach Laidlaw
Vance Druid
Principal Valentine
Randall Harley
Katie Hrlicka
Tina McAndrew
Chris "Grendel" Sellers
Cubby Candy
Dog Lover
Bull Calf
Kent Jones
Jeff Flaw
Chester Grimes
Bo Druid