Overview: The film follows the adventures of a French aristocrat, the "Condemor"and Lucas, his faithful Mexican servant, lost in the desert of Far West, looking for ways to return to Paris. Following an unintentional demonstration of courage, "Condemor" is appointed sheriff very much against his will and forced to chase the "One- Eyed" and solve the mystery of the whereabouts of Chico's father and also the location of the legendary El Dorado, the fabulous gold mine. The plot thickens when Condemor platonic love, the "Bella Jolly" saloon singer, is also kidnapped by the evil ...
Overview: Papá Piquillo is a gypsy grandfather who makes a living singing and dancing in the streets of Madrid with a monkey, a goat and his six grandchildren. Things get complicated when one of the children suffers an accident and the police prevent them from continuing to perform.