Overview: Eleven-year old Rikke lives alone with her father, whose only interest in life seems to be the soccer matches which appear on his television. Not surprisingly, Rikke is somewhat bored. She enters a contest put on by a cereal company which has as its grand prize a horse. Since she lives in the city in a second floor apartment, it never occurred to her that she might win, but win she does. The horse ("Mama-Mia") duly appears, and she and the members of her slum neighborhood come together to cope with the situation in a delightful way.
Overview: The neighbourhood is tough. New-built concrete towers, which are not yet completely finished but already slum. Daily police raids. Daily suicide jumps from the roofs. Here lives Sally in a two-bedroom, with her parents and younger brother. Sally is dreaming big. She wants to be a fighter pilot, and she wants to be rich! She has already started her own business, collecting empty bottles and bits and pieces of scraps. And Sally don't care much for the immigrants in her area. She takes every opportunity to vent her inner racist. Turkish Zuhal move in with his family. "A new flock of Bedouins" Sally condescendingly comments. But what she does not know is that this will be one of the major turning points in her life ...