Overview: The film follows the story of Iman (Najat), an innocent nurse, who receives a new assignment; She is nursing a blind man named Ahmed (Saleh Selim). Eman encounters a major problem while doing her job; It is that Ahmed suffers from a psychological complex, as a result of which he hates all women, and hence Iman intends not only to nurse him, but to remove that complex. events get complicated; Since Fathi, Ahmed's brother, is harassing Iman, and he wants to get her in any way, and he plots for Iman and Ahmed, taking advantage of his brother's disability.
Overview: A café on the road where motorists meet and run by Hafida and leads a gang with Adham, Sanad and Hindawi, her daughter Bahia dances to the pioneers of the cafe and seeks Adham to marry her, but she turns it off. It is the cause of its drowning.
Overview: An Egyptian film that deals with the life of Jesus with puberty, and the many miracles that he knew during his time among all and the suffering he suffered from the Romans until he reached the cross.