Overview: On the banks of São Paulo's Rio Tietê, a poignant tale unfolds, featuring a tapestry of characters existing on the fringes of society. Prostitutes, a pimp, a mentally disabled man, and others marginalized by fate lead lives mired in hopelessness, devoid of any prospect. Trapped in the relentless cycle of their ordinary yet despairing existence, they yearn for release, anticipating the embrace of death as their only salvation—a collective passage onto the harrowing vessel of damnation.
Overview: Feature film that brings together three episodes. In "The Signature", a worthless husband tries to rip out his wife's signature to close a deal. "The roof" shows the hardships of a workman who suspects that his wife is dating a trucker. In "The Recipe" a civil servant brags about himself to his friends while his wife goes out with a student.