Overview: Ranur Prothom Bhag is a heartwarming Bengali comedy about the endearing relationship between a young, mischievous girl named Ranu and her doting uncle, Mejo Kaka. As Ranu tries to embrace adulthood prematurely, her uncle's patience is tested while his love for her grows stronger. A delightful blend of humor and pathos, this film is a classic tale of family and childhood.
Overview: A selfless young woman, the daughter of a middle-class refugee family from East Pakistan, sacrifices her own happiness for her unappreciative family.
Overview: Through the microcosmic perspectivising of a group of devoted and uncompromising IPTA workers, Ghatak with his signature style touches on varied issues of partition, idealism, corruption, the interdependence of art and life, the scope of art, and class-struggle.