Overview: The film tells the story of Cristório, a fisherman from Northeastern Brazilian state of Maranhão, who lost his young son when he was killed by jealous husband, during a folklore festival that celebrates the return of a ressurected bull, called Bumba-meu-boi. It is a journey to the heart of deepest Brazil, where it finds the dramatic soul of the Brazilian people.
Overview: Michael and Suzie are an engaged couple taking their honeymoon off the coast of Spain. Their reservations are lost and Michael loses their luggage and money to a scam artist promising to get them a room. Suzie berates him and Michael, disenchanted with his nagging wife-to-be, gives in to the temptations that are all around them. He falls in with a free-wheeling motorcycle gang. Eventually his lover leaves him (Hemingway-style) for a bullfighter, and he and Suzie, having found their wild and independent spirit on the island, come back together.