Overview: Arnaldur, a 16-year-old boy living a normal teenager's life in Reykjavik. One day, coming home from school, he finds his brother in the bathtub, dead. Despite clear signs of a suicide, Arnaldur is convinced that his brother's teacher is somehow responsible so he decides to take matters into his own hands and avenge his brother.
Overview: A mockumentary follows the life of Friðrik as he tries to make women fall in love with them, but when as soon as they confess their love to him he breaks up with them and takes a picture of their reaction.
Overview: A young man has to go to the hospital for an operation. Upon his arrival he watches paramedics roll out a deceased person from the hospital room he is about to be checked in to. Lying in bed with nothing to do his mind starts to wander. He strikes up a conversation about life with an old man who paints a rather dark picture of what can happen during one’s stay in a hospital. The old man shares his ironic philosophy on life, causing him great anxiety. Will he make it out alive?