Overview: A love drama unfolds in the Norwegian mountains. Hans and Ellen are engaged, much to the chagrin of Jens, who secretly pines for Ellen. Jens eventually assaults Ellen, and the two rivals get into a fight. When some time later a dead man washes up by the water’s edge, Jens hatches a diabolical plan to get Hans out of the way. Stumfilm.dk
Overview: A poet has run out of ideas for his film script, much to the chagrin of himself and the film factory's director, Mr Meter. In a dream, the poet delivers the perfect script. (Stumfilm.dk)
Overview: The year is 1864, and the young officer cadet Felix courageously throws himself at the prussian troops in Fredericia. From there, his regiment is ordered to travel to Dybbøl, where fierce battles against the German forces are awaiting them. While staying at a farm, Felix meets the farmer's daughter Karen who will later save his life. (stumfilm.dk)