Overview: Jannis, a cute, young gay man, and his adorable mute boyfriend, Patrick, infiltrate a circus to shoot an undercover documentary exposing an underground political conspiracy responsible for a recent spate of assasination attempts. When Patrick meet Mo, a young woman whose sensitivity to sunlight forces her to live by nigh, Jannis' jelousy threatens the entire project. Only Patrick's unwavering devotion to the man he loves will help save the day and reveal the truth of who is behind the conspiracy.
Overview: When Mark goes to visit his cousin Toni in Austria for the summer, he develops a serious crush on Toni's pretty stepsister Clair and at the same time tries to fend off Toni's efforts to get him set up with prostitutes. As much as he likes Clair, Mark cannot bring himself to start a sexual relationship with her and ultimately goes to Clair's mother Katherine to vent his feelings. It is that meeting that ultimately sends Mark home more experienced than when he arrived.
Overview: Sabotage acts are committed on the film theaters of a city for no apparent reason. Two secretaries of "Mega Film", which has been damaged by a sabotage act, decide to try to find the saboteurs in order to determine what their motives are.