Overview: The story evolves around Amran and Rohani who are a couple who have slept together one night in front of Gua Musang. Amran then went off to sail but to cover up the shame he brought Rohani on the outskirt are of the village. On his return he was surprised not to have found Rohani there. He found out soon enough that Halimah killed Rohani because she wanted Amran. As of that Rohani’s spirit haunts Halimah in her dream in a form of a tiger.
Overview: Tells the story of two warriors, Mahfuz and Mahadi who survived when their ship was attacked by pirates. They are both stranded on a beach and later meet a fortune teller. The fortune teller told them that Mahfuz would be a powerful man in the state. Mahadi, on the other hand, will have descendants who will be from the royal family from time to time even though he is just an ordinary citizen.