Overview: After graduation from university, childhood friends Ann, Joy, Koi, Mam and Joom move on to follow their respective career paths. They reunite again at a friend's funeral, after which all the five young women decide to stay overnight at Joom's place to recall their good old days. When Ann raises the topic of sex, the conversation goes deeper and deeper until each is forced to reveal details of their most embarrassing sexual experiences – the moments they harbor the most guilt over.
Overview: In Thailand's ancient capital, Ayutthaya, a grand heist is executed to perfection. The gang gets away clean, but everything turns sour when they meet up to split the money. Lamai, the brains behind the heist, has double-crossed the leader of the gang, Kao, and tipped off the police. Kao escapes the police ambush with the other gang members. To Lamai's surprise, he discovers that the money has already been switched! But how? Who pulled the switch? The conspirators all suspect each other.