Overview: This spectacular presentation of the legendary British live sex show (The Bad Boys Ball) features legendary American superstar Kris Lord, the ever-popular muscle-God Tom Katt, Falcon fave Jeff Hammond, and bodybuilder Rev Sutton strutting their stuff live onstage at London’s Love Muscle gay nightclub. Bad Boy's Ball mixes the live show with rare, behind the scenes interviews that create a revealing expose of these gorgeous talents. The highlight of the show is the unprecedented Kris Lord, whose fantasy finale is set in a Roman Orgy, featuring stunning toga clad gods!
Overview: This is one of the most lavishly produced erotic gay videos ever made. Featuring eight of Britain's sexiest guys, "Better Gay Sex" illustrates the beauty, passion and sensuality of man on man sex. Experience the spectrum of gay sex as out gorgeous guys take you through the best their bodies (and yours) have to offer. Amazing sex is all about having the most wonderful mind blowing fun. Sex gives you a more confident outlook on the whole of you life. This video won't just turn you on with its explicit red hot imagery, it'll show you how to really enjoy one of the most important aspects of your life — SEX!!!