Overview: Follow the lives of eight California surfers in the newly released film, "One California Day." Produced by Builde Worldwide, and Co-Directed by Mark Jeremias (maker of DRIVE) and Jason Baffa (maker of Singlefin:Yellow), this super 16mm film stars Joel Tudor, Chris Malloy, Alex Knost, Tyler Warren, Jimmy Gamboa, Joe Curren, Dane Perlee, and Tyler Hatzikian, with special appearances by Skip Frye, Dan and Keith Malloy, Tom Curren, Gerg Noll, and Lance Carson
Overview: A movie about the beauty of log riding and its other various appendages... The Seedling is a documentation of a small pod of California log riders. Shot entirely on 16mm. Featuring Devon Howard, Joel Tudor, Seitaro Nakamura, Erik Sommer, Kassia Meador, Dane Peterson, Josh Farberow, Jimmy Gamboa and honorable sliders Skip Frye and Donald Takayama. Shot on location in Mexico, France, California, Hawaii, New York and the Canary Islands. The Seedling is a gift for you, a movie in full trim. Enjoy