Overview: In one of his daily wanderings, Ghasem Siah, a young jobless guy who leads a street life, runs into a young American tourist girl who is spending her last day in Tehran. Without understanding each other's words, they strike up a friendship and the girl accepts to sleep with him. But Ghasem doesn't have a place of his own and the girl is about to depart by the next morning. Together they set off on the glistening yet hostile streets of modernizing Tehran of the 70s, in a futile search of a corner of intimacy, while time is ticking away....
Overview: After the death of the landlord of the village, his European wife demands the land of Baba Sobhan but his two sons who farm there are refusing. They promise to pay the rent on the right ...
Overview: Wounded by the police, a thief looks up his old friend in order to leave the proceeds of his theft with him. Instead, he finds that his friend is a drug addict. He sticks around to try and help his friend kick the habit; instead, both men are caught in a shootout with the police and...