Overview: Two friends, Rannvá and Barba, return to Faroe Islands after seven years abroad. The girls arouse both curiosity and outrage with their bizarre city appearance and emancipated behaviour. They embark on a road trip with one of the locals, Rúni, who - as it turns out - also carries a dark secret. The trio goes on a journey not just through the beautiful landscape of the Faroes but into the land of the past.
Overview: Young vicar Mr. Paul arrives at the Faroe Islands to take up a benefice, and meets the young Barbara, twice married to vicars, and with both husbands laid cold in the grave. Despite the warnings of the surrounding community and his own religious scruples, he falls victim to Barbara's at once innocent and sinful charm. The appearance of the charming and gallant Andreas Heide in Thorshavn puts their love to the severest of tests.