Overview: This fascinating documentary tells the story of the talented people behind and in front of the cameras at the Hammer Film Studios. Their prodigious output made household names of Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, arguably the greatest fright duo since Lugosi and Karloff. Filled with shocking clips, terrifying trailers, and fascinating interviews with cast and crew culled from twenty years of the FANEX Film Convention archives, this film is a horror fan's delight!
Monster Madness: The Golden Age of the Horror Film
Monster Madness: The Golden Age of the Horror Film
Overview: Join foremost experts discussing true Horror Classics - Frankenstein, Dracula, The Black Cat, Wolfman, King Kong, Bride of Frankenstein, and more. Grab the popcorn and take a deep breath as we conjure up the thrills, chills and magic of Monster Madness!
Overview: With sex, gore, and the Dracula/Frankenstein combo, Hammer's House of Horror changed the genre forever in the 1950s. With marquee actors like Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, Hammer ruled the horror world for a decade. See the legendary tale of blood, babes, and vampire bats here.