Overview: A young movie director is shooting his first film, "The Judge", about the devil as a contemporary personification of evil. But he must face some temptations. In the world in which illusion gets the right to dimension, matters have no gravitation, they are fragile and at the same time constant. Where the corporeal burdens the consciousness, consciously silent, with thirst and wish for penetration into a totally different reality - the images become one, first of all-important element, while they are discreetly thread towards eternity. This is a world in which the only magic is implied.
Overview: N.E.P. or The Stones God Threw on the Barricades was made as an independent project by TV Bordoshbagn for A1 Independent Television in Skopje. The film is of an undefined genre and speaks about the Third World lies, which renowned 'well-intentioned' missionaries, founders of certain foundations and institutes, have promoted in the countries of the former socialist regime, especially in Eastern Europe. This project is an outsider's look at the paradox about the secret beauty of power and the submission to that power. N.E.P. is a video reflection on the aesthetics of the transformation of power, looked at from the point of view of the ordinary man in the so-called transitional countries who, after five years of living in 'freedom' still can't understand why the most democratic system of them all – parliamentary democracy – is better than the one before.