Overview: SCARS is a psychological thriller, written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Sean K. Robb. In this stark and disturbing story, Scar - a raven-haired punk with blood under her fingernails - and Scarlett - a blond beauty with a penchant for extortion - discover that they enjoy killing men together. 'Killing dudes is easy,' says Scar, as the two women embark on a violent and ruthless killing spree, pursued by the mysterious Det. Mike.
Overview: In a bleak zombie-plagued future, Carolyn fights to survive day to day with her lover, Maddy. But Maddy has a hard time letting go of the past, while Carolyn only lives for today, because it's the only thing left she can count on. The story unfolds in a reversed time line, paralleling the couple's need to hold on to their past with one another in order to keep their present relationship alive. When the two must confront the future of their relationship, they're forced to confront a malicious flesh-eating zombie at the same time.