Overview: In a post-apocalyptic world in human decay, a protective father and his teenage daughter are forced to bring a mute teenage boy to their hide-out, which puts their relationship under decisive pressure and expose them to outer dangers. ØDELAND is a short drama about walking the thin line between doubt and hope and the choice between truth and lie – a story about a father wanting to do everything in his power to sustain hope in his daughter in a seemingly hopeless world.
Overview: Rie is a PR-coordinator visiting a tunnel boring machine to portray the well-oiled European cooperation in the Metro construction when an accident suddenly occurs. Unable to escape, she takes refuge in an airlock with Croatian miner Ivo and Bharan, a worker from Eritrea.
Overview: A pusher is on his way out of the drug selling business. But there is a couple of loose ends that he needs to take care of, before he's able to stop.