Overview: Set in Jakarta’s upper-middle-class milieu, the film tells the story of three young and stylish female friends, Lisa, Fanny, and Sandra. After a violent break-up with her boyfriend Jacky, Lisa gets involved in a same-sex relationship with Mirna, an older woman. When things go awry between the two, Lisa decides to go back to Jacky. In a fit of jealousy, Mirna attempts to kill Lisa, but luckily her friend Fanny saves the day. The film ends in highly dramatic fashion with Mirna stabbing Jacky to death and subsequently being sent to prison
Overview: An evil wizard unleashes a legion of worms on an innocent village. These worms can burrow into the skin and take control of the person. Later in the film, the infected people become sex-crazed zombies and then an army to help protect the evil magician from a good wizard.