Overview: Sarah, a young American, convinces her three friends - Isaac, Jackie, and Horacio - to assist in completing her audacious ecological documentary in the deep shadowy world of illegal mining in an enigmatic Peruvian forest. Upon arrival, locals vehemently caution the group against approaching the forest or the mining town, citing the presence of the “Supay” - an ancient being from Andean mythology capable of taking various forms who has claimed the area and eradicated the miners for bleeding the earth. Initially dismissing these warnings as ploys to conceal illegal activities, the group defiantly breaches the prohibition, venturing into the forbidden territory only to realize the chilling myths hold genuine and terrifying truths and they have forever altered their fates.
Overview: Lucifer, Satan, and the Devil meet with a corporate PR agent to rehabilitate their images - which includes reminding the world that they're women. But when they discover that the agent is more evil than they are, they vow to take down the world's really bad humans and reclaim the mantle of "Top Evil".