Overview: In this heartwarming ensemble comedy, Mary’s adoptive gay mother’s last dying wish was to reunite their all-queer volleyball team. Even with the challenges that she is faced with, including her own personal affairs, and financial troubles, Mary tries to fulfil the wish. She must convince her disjointed chosen family to join the one day volleyball league, with hopes of winning the cash grand prize to pay for a proper funeral for Mary’s mother.
Overview: A family movie that revolves around unlikely "parents" Arci and Paco. Arci gains custody of his best friend's children Megan and Ernie just before she dies. The children's uncle, Paco, has no choice but to join this newfound family. Arci and Paco will now embark on the craziest and greatest adventure of their lives as they play the roles of Momshie and Popshie to both Megan and Ernie.