Overview: In a small town, the funeral of the "Eagles" motocykle gang leader Christopher Eagle, murdered with his wife, takes place. A young journalist reporting on a funeral witnesses another murder. More victims are falling. The police would gladly accuse Billy, brother of the murdered leader, of these murders. Billy decides to deal with the killers alone. Despite unwanted support by Mel, the final game ends tragically...
Overview: Hell bent on avenging the death of his father, Johnny Black vows to gun down Brett Clayton and becomes a wanted man in the process while posing as a preacher in a small mining town that's been taken over by a notorious Land Baron.
Overview: Yuppie Tom brings his investor buddies out to a dude ranch, hoping they'll want to help him turn it into a high-end resort, not knowing that the Devil Rider has roamed the land, killing all who try to claim it as their own, awakening whenever it is trespassed upon.