Overview: The Story revolves around the life of a kind and sweet girl living with her family and her family wanted a fortune for her and arranged her marriage with a kind man and they meet before their marriage and fells in love with each other- but things get complicated in their wedding night- which causes their life into trouble- but fate plays its role, leading to consequences.
Overview: Daughters of Today was a 1928 silent film from Lahore, in present-day Pakistan (then British India). It was produced by G.K Mehta and directed by Shankradev Arya. This was the first feature film made in Lahore, and helped to establish the city of Lahore as one of the centers of filming in India. The Lahore film industry is now known as Lollywood. Production started in 1924 and took three years to complete, mainly due to financial problems. Two participants later became prominent personalities of the South Asian film industry: A.R. Kardar was one of the most famous Bombay film directors in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s; and actor M. Ismael's film career spanned over five decades.