Overview: A timeless tale of love and devotion, Prabhas Milan transports viewers to ancient India. Set centuries after Krishna departs from Brindavan, the film explores the longing of Radha and the celestial drama that unfolds when Krishna promises his queen, Satyabhama, a divine Parijat tree. As jealousy and divine intervention intertwine, the epic culminates in a poignant reunion between the eternal lovers, Krishna and Radha.
Overview: Acclaimed director Bimal Roy’s debut feature about a struggling writer established him as an important Bollywood voice through its realistic portrayal of the simmering class conflicts in pre-independence India. Anup (Radhamohan Bhattacharya) loses his job writing speeches for a wealthy industrialist and decides to focus on finishing his novel. But when his former boss steals Anup’s unpublished book, he throws himself into socialist politics.