Overview: Origin: Beyond the Impact is a science-fiction drama centered around a meteoric object that hits planet Earth in 1960 and the dark mysteries carried with it. Fifty years after the impact, tech powerhouse Crowe Corporation is determined to lead the world’s fourth industrial revolution by secretly attempting to unlock those mysteries until their leading scientist, Dr. Bernard Schmidt, goes missing. An investigation is launched into the disappearance led by special agent William Shepard of the FBI, reluctantly paired with a cynical Russian operative, Aleksey Popov. The investigation takes a critical turn when Schmidt’s connection to an Air Force test pilot leads the investigators to a young woman whose past uncovers a possible government conspiracy. The investigators then become locked in a race against time to protect a secret hidden in plain sight.
Overview: The story of Henry McBride, a down and out cowboy with a painful past he can't drink away. Living on his last dollar with nowhere to go, he ends up working the last place an old cowboy wants to be: A dude ranch. It is here he meets the owner, Jessie King, a no-nonsense rancher with a deep love for horses. McBride's self-discovery begins when she introduces him to a new way of training a troubled mustang, a horse whose past and temperament mirror his own.