Overview: Experienced New York Police Detective John Harris is sent to London to help a local task force investigate a series of gangster killings organized by a new player in town, an American. With the help of a young teen wronged by gangsters, Harris navigates London's seedy, drug-fuelled underworld in order to take down its new criminal empire.
Overview: Based on a true story. Karen is a woman with a taste for excitement, bored with the daily routine. Dominic is attractive, powerful, seductive; a sexy opportunist who tricks his way into her life and invites her to join him on a roller coaster ride of thrills, bizarre games and excitement. He is also a man with a dangerous side; a ruthless control freak who knows what he wants and will stop and nothing to get it. Together, they explore the furthest, darkest reaches of his wild fantasies - a journey of self-discovery that takes Karen to her limits - to the deepest shades of darkness and beyond.