Overview: A political thriller that unfolds during the British Mandate in 1930s Tel Aviv, following two British police officers, Thomas Wilkin and Geoffrey Morton, in their hunt for poet and Zionist activist Avraham Stern, who is plotting to evict British authorities.
Overview: In a neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome the crime, drugs and graffiti are pervasive. A large apartment complex seems to be a prison for the inhabitants. Marco returns to the hood after serving time in prison for dealing drugs but he's rejected and abandoned by his wife. His old friends still want him to deal cocaine for them. At first he's reluctant but it seems to be all he knows to do. Faustino, Massimo and Federico are delinquents who hang out together while doing drugs, petty crime, and looking for sex. Sonia is different from the rest because she studies and works all the time but even Sonia won't escape without being a victim. A tragic incident brings the main characters together and leaves behind a trail of fire, blood and violence.